The N.A.F.P. is a Libertarian Party in an RL (Real Life) sense. In many cases, the only thing that unites us is our sense of Liberty and Justice.
Left and Right, Libertarian and Anarchist - all are welcome. This is your party. You are free to discuss, argue, and debate with us all you want. That is your right.
We also welcome discussion with other parties. We are here to better eAmerica, and all opinions must be heard in order to make the best decision.
“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” - Tom Robbins
Left and Right, Libertarian and Anarchist - all are welcome. This is your party. You are free to discuss, argue, and debate with us all you want. That is your right.
We also welcome discussion with other parties. We are here to better eAmerica, and all opinions must be heard in order to make the best decision.
“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” - Tom Robbins